urinary system - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

urinary system - tradução para alemão

Urinary System; Urinary tract; Urinary; Renal system; Urinary organs; Urinary tract disorders; Renal tract; Urinary tract neoplasm; Urinary organ; Female urinary tract; Male urinary tract; Systema urinarium; Upper urinary tract; Urological system; Urinary systems; Urological tract; Diseases of the urinary system; Urinary tract disorder; Urinary tract physiological phenomena
  • 3D model of urinary system

urinary system         
urinary tract infection         
  • Bladder infection
  • 50px
  • script]])
  • Urine may contain pus (a condition known as [[pyuria]]) as seen from a person with [[sepsis]] due to a urinary tract infection.
  • Uropathogenic ''Escherichia coli'' (UPEC)]] cells adhered to bladder epithelial cell
Urinary tract infections; Cystitis; Urinary Tract Infection; Urinary Tract Infections; Honeymoon cystitis; Urinary infection; Bacterial cystitis; Urinary tract infrection; Bladder infection; Urinary infections; Urinary-tract infection; Urine infection; Gonococcal cystitis; Bladder infections; Complicated UTI; UTI (urinary tract infection); Acute cystitis; Uti; UTIs; Symptomatic bacteriuria; Honeymoon disease; Honeymoon syndrome; Honeymoon infection; UTI
Urintraktinfektion, Blasenentzündung (Infektion wegen der das Urinlassen brennt)
urinary bladder         
The bladder; Uvula of urinary bladder; Uvula vesicae; Bladder Disease; Bladder (kidney); Fundus of the bladder; Fundus of the urinary bladder; Apex of urinary bladder; Vertex (urinary bladder); Neck of urinary bladder; Intravesical; Urocyst; Uvula of bladder; Bladder neck; Vesica urinaria; Apex vesicae urinariae; Cervix vesicae urinariae; Uvula vesicae urinariae; Vertex of urinary bladder; Fundus of urinary bladder; Neck of the bladder; Neck of the urinary bladder; Urinary bladders; Uvula of the bladder; Uvula of the urinary bladder; Apex of the urinary bladder; Apex of the bladder; Apex of bladder; Vertex of the urinary bladder; Vertex of the bladder; Vertex of bladder; Human bladder; Human urinary bladder; Full bladder; Urinary bladder


Urinary means belonging to or related to the parts of a person's body through which urine flows. (MEDICAL)
...urinary tract infections.


Urinary system

The urinary system, also known as the urinary tract or renal system, consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. The purpose of the urinary system is to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and blood pressure, control levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulate blood pH. The urinary tract is the body's drainage system for the eventual removal of urine. The kidneys have an extensive blood supply via the renal arteries which leave the kidneys via the renal vein. Each kidney consists of functional units called nephrons. Following filtration of blood and further processing, wastes (in the form of urine) exit the kidney via the ureters, tubes made of smooth muscle fibres that propel urine towards the urinary bladder, where it is stored and subsequently expelled from the body by urination (voiding). The female and male urinary system are very similar, differing only in the length of the urethra.

Urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood. The urine is then passed through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored. During urination, the urine is passed from the bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body.

800–2,000 milliliters (mL) of urine are normally produced every day in a healthy human. This amount varies according to fluid intake and kidney function.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para urinary system
1. These include those of the digestive system, such as stomach and bowel cancer, and those of the genito–urinary system, such as ovarian cancer.